Работа потрясающая!!!... ++++ А надпись вновь интересная: "The earth that the is the space between, i'd banish it from under me... to get to you" - что переводится как: "Земля, что является пространством между вами, я бы изгнал её из под меня... чтобы добраться до вас"...
Savor the sorrow to soften the pain
Sip on the southern rain as I do
I don't look, don't touch, don't do anything
But hope that there is a you
The earth that is the space between
I'd banish it from under me to get to you
Your unexpected love provides
My solitary suicide
Oh, I wish I knew
Time that I've taken
I pray is not wasted
Have I already tasted my piece of
One sweet love?
Ready and waiting
For a heart worth the breaking
I'd settle for an honest mistake in the name of
One sweet love
One sweet love
Работа потрясающая!!!... ++++ А надпись вновь интересная: "The earth that the is the space between, i'd banish it from under me... to get to you" - что переводится как: "Земля, что является пространством между вами, я бы изгнал её из под меня... чтобы добраться до вас"...
Savor the sorrow to soften the pain
Sip on the southern rain as I do
I don't look, don't touch, don't do anything
But hope that there is a you
The earth that is the space between
I'd banish it from under me to get to you
Your unexpected love provides
My solitary suicide
Oh, I wish I knew
Time that I've taken
I pray is not wasted
Have I already tasted my piece of
One sweet love?
Ready and waiting
For a heart worth the breaking
I'd settle for an honest mistake in the name of
One sweet love
One sweet love
(Sara Bareilles - One Sweet Love )
Ой!!!))) УЖАС какой!!!
)) Сплошная грусть!
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